Lactation Consultant Services
HM Speech is proud to have teamed up with a local International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Kate.

Kate is both a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist and IBCLC. She has a unique skillset to provide in depth support and intervention on:
Oral motor assessment/infant oral reflexes/tongue tie
Feeding difficulties - Fussy/picky eaters, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Transition to solids
Oral aversion management
Tube weaning feeding support
Dysphagia - swallow difficulties and aspiration risk
Diet modifications
Tresillian trained
Services Offered
Thorough Case History
Feeding Support: Assessing and managing baby oromotor skills & breast & feeding position
Assessing tongue tie, poor attachment & breast refusal
Assessing & management of cracked & painful nipples, nipple thrush & nipple vasospasm. Nipple shield issues and weaning
Mastitis, low supply & oversupply
Expressing (hand & pump)
Management of feeding & returning to work
Multiple births
Settling for sleep & the feeding relationship​​

For referrals to our Speech Pathology feeding or Lactation Consultant services click here