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Communication is a basic human right. Communication is a broad term and includes so many aspects. Hastings Macleay Speech Pathology works with all aspects of communication and will tailor therapy to meet your needs. A communication impairment might mean that there is a difficulty in one or more of the following areas:

Social Communication

When we interact we are using lots of skills to make that interaction a success, e.g. conversing back and forth, sharing eye contact, saying hello. Difficulties with social communication can negatively impact a person’s ability to participate in school or work, recreational activities like sport, home life, or carrying out tasks like buying items at the shops. 


Commonly known as stuttering. This can effect anyone. There are treatment approaches to assist adults and children with stuttering. These approaches are highly evidence based and our clinicians will work with you and your carers to help achieve your goals.


Language includes reading, writing, speaking, listening. Difficulties might include impairments in spoken or written language e.g. difficulties finding the right word to say or inability to write down sentences/words. Impairments in understanding language (comprehension) might include difficulty following instructions or comprehending written material​



Speech is the way we make sounds when talking so that people understand what is being said. Difficulties with speech might include slurred speech, poor pronunciation, difficulty controlling the speed of speech, nasal sounding speech, running out of breath when speaking, controlling saliva / dribbling & monotone speech.​


Voice disorders are termed Dysphonia. Voice is using the vocal cords to produce sound/speech. Our vocal cords give us each a different and individual sound, like our very own vocal fingerprint. Difficulties might include a hoarse, croaky, breathy, strained or strangled sounding voice; weakness in the voice, pitch changes, a tired throat/voice after speaking​, a need to cough/throat clear after a period of speaking​. Voice disorders are diagnosed through examination by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist and Speech Pathologist.

At HM Speech we provide expertise in Parkinson's disease & Autism Spectrum Disorder 

Parkinson's disease

Here at HM Speech, our clinicians are trained in the most up to date and efficacious programs proven to improve speech, voice and swallowing in Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. Click read more to find out all of the information on these programs.

Smiling Senior Couple
Hanen Programs for Parents
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Hastings Macleay Speech Pathology have Hanen Certified speech pathologists who have received special training to provide evidence based programs for parents of young children (up to 5 years of age) who have language delays or parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These programs provide parents with strategies to help improve their children’s communication skills. 

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